Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

The three different online learning activities I participated in were Keiths, Jakes and Amandas.

Childhood Obesity Lesson:

Children as young as 8 years old are being diagnosed with diabetes? TRUE
Can some of these illnesses “actually” kill these children? TRUE
The doctors had to purchase 2 scales to weight children that were over 200 lbs? FALSE - 350 pounds
Daves dad died at age 52 from a stroke? TRUE
John Marx is in shape and healthy? FALSE - But he's getting there
Parents are not to blame for childhood obesity? FALSE -  parents need to be a good example. Lead a healthy life themselves.

Stopping Childhood Obesity in Schools:

1. What % of children worldwide are either obese or overweight?

2. True or False? Childhood obesity is a condition where excess body fat negatively affects a child's health or wellbeing.


3. What are some early effects in the psychosocial system of childhood obesity?

Poor self esteem, Anxiety

4. The current generation of children has consumed higher levels of ______ and _________ than ever before.

Soft Drinks and Fast Food

5. True or False? Diet and Genetics are the two largest factors leading towards childhood obesity.



I got a 62 on the quiz

You're standing just outside the ranks of 'fitness buff', so don't stop now. Your score indicates that you've got a good general knowledge of fitness, but are a little hazy on the details. With the recent fitness craze, you should easily be able to find the information necessary to fine-tune your fitness knowledge. With the proper knowledge, you will not only be able to optimize your fitness routine, but you'll also be prepared to avoid injury.   

These quizzes were a lot of fun to complete :) I learned a lot!!!