Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update

 My SMART goal was to start recycling at my apartment complex. This week I did a very good job of collecting all my recyclable items and putting them in my container. I will be going to the recycling center either this Friday or next Monday. 

I did not have any challenges come up this week with my SMART goal. My roommate had done an awesome job with all of her recyclable materials as well: two is better than one :)

I am happy that I decided to start recycling at my apartment complex, because although I am only one person I feel as though I am making a difference. Hopefully, I will be able to influence some of the people in my complex to start doing the same thing.

I still have not been able to talk to my landlord but I plan on doing so whenever I see him next. I am hoping he will listen to the benefits of having our apartment complex recycle and will decide it is a good investment for our building.

I am looking forward to the upcoming week and going to the recycling center. I will not make any changes to my SMART goal this week, but I will hopefully be in contact with my landlord.

Have a good one!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy.