Friday, October 30, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 3: Second half of "How to Shit in the Woods"

 This is the second and final post I will be making on the book "How to Shit in the Woods" by Kathleen Meyer. Since I am reading two different books the next two posts will be on a different book and the final review will be on both books.

The chapters I covered for this post were Chapter 5; Trekker's Trots, Chapter 6; For Women Only: How Not to Pee in Your Boots, and finally Chapter 7, What? No T.P.? or Doing it Without. These chapters were from pages 65-107.

The hilarious tone used by the author continued in the final three chapters of the book. She even ended with a funny "shit," definition in the last few pages of the text. I will share with you towards the end of this post some of the funnier definitions. :)

Meyer covered something that a lot of outdoors people encounter in her chapter, Trekker's Trots. The changes in climate, altitude and time zone can all influence this unfortunate thing to happen, not to mention the food we put in our bodies. The most likely thing that can influence the Trekker's Trots to make an appearance is the water, and the lack of a clean water supply.

As I discussed in my last post Giardia and Cryptoporidium are widespread in the wilderness and must be considered a hazard everywhere in the world. Because these two diseases are so common now due to fecal matter continuing to contaminate our earth filtration systems must be used to drink any kind of water in the wilderness Meyer discusses a few different systems that can be used one of them being the Katadyn Pocket Filter which retails for $250 and a replacement filter is $150. This filter is impregnated with silver that inhibits bacterial growth. It has a mechanical straining system that takes out all protozoan cysts and all bacteria. These types of filters are also now recommended to use when traveling to countries that have poor water quality.

Another form of disinfecting water is boiling. Contrary to previous beliefs this is now thought to kill all waterborne enteric pathogens immediately. Other chemical forms used to disinfect water are chlorine and iodine. Although both of these techniques have there down falls, which is why purchasing a filter or boiling is recommended.

The chapter for Women Only: How Not to Pee in Your Boots was very interesting and comical although there was not a lot of substance in the chapter. One funny thing to note was that Zanika Sportswear (4315 Oliver Avenue North, Minneapolis, MN) has created a type of pants for women that velcro from front to back to enable an easier method of peeing.

In the final chapter it was discussed what to do in a situation in which you do not have T.P. A few different ideas were given that involved splashing water. However, personally I hope I don't get caught in that situation, especially outdoors.

Shit definitions.. Just for Fun :)

Shit bricks: 1. to worry 2. to be terrified
Shit can: 1. to throw away
Bad Shit: piss poor quality
Bullshit: 1. lies, nonsense
Chickenshit: 1. a coward

Hope you enjoyed reading about this book as much as I enjoyed reading it. I would definitely recommend it to everyone who enjoys a good laugh. Have a good weekend everyone!!!


  1. I liked the info. Good job on finishing it and hope the next is just as cool!

  2. Hahaha this book sounds great. I really like the definitions, they are hilarious.
