Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 1: How to Shit in the Woods, It's Easy Being Green

I am reading two shorter books as opposed to a longer book. I have supplied the information for each below.

The first book is titled How to Shit in the Woods: An Enviormentally Sound Approach to a Lost Art. This book is about making changes in the outdoors to be more enviornmentally friendly. It discusses camping and other outdoor activities and how to keep the earth healthy while participating in them.

The main reason I chose this book is because of the title. It caught my attention right away and seems like it would be an interesting book to read. Fore more information on this book click one of the following links:


This book has 128 pages. I plan on dividing this book into halves and doing two read 'n' seed posts on each part of the book.

The second book I'm going to be reading is It's Easy Being Green: A Handbook for Earth-Friendly Living. This book describes different ways that you can start living green. It is full of little suggestions that are easy for the reader to understand. These will be the first books I read about going green and I am very excited about them.

For more information on this book please click one of the following links:


This book has 170 pages. I plan on writing my last two read 'n' seed posts on this book. I will be dividing this book into havles as well.

1 comment:

  1. Great book choices, they both sound interesting. The title of the first book also caught my attention. I am excited to hear more about these books.
