Sunday, November 29, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 5: Second Half of "It's Easy Being Green"

This is the second of two books that I have read for my reed 'n' seeds. The first book that I read was "How to Shit in the Woods," I will incorporate that book into my last post (the review post) with the current book that I am reading. I will be covering the final four chapters of "It's Easy Being Green," in this post. This book was written by Crissy Trask. The chapters covered in this post are as follows: Chapter 4 - Buying Green, Chapter 5 - Green Shopping Online, Chapter 6 - Getting Involved and finally Chapter 7 - Resources to Help the Earth. Those four chapters cover pages 92-158 in the text.

Chapter 4, Buying Green, this chapter discusses the fact that some of the biggest problems our planet is faced with today is because of consumer choices. The electricity we use, car we drive and the food we make and eat can all affect the environment. "Buying Green," helps individuals understand how to be green consumers and be extra cautious of the everyday choices/purchases that can make a difference.
Some of the goals that green producers or manufacturers have that consumers should be aware of are as follows:
  • preserve natural resouces and wildlife habitat
  • portect air, water and soil
  • produce less toxic pollution and waste
  • maintain land integrety and area
  • protect animal welfare
A few things that you as a consumer should ask yourself before purchasing a product are:
  • Is the product produced locally to minimize energy used?
  • Does it come from readily renewable resources?
  • Is it packaged minimally or in recycled content packaging?
  • Can it be recycled or remanufactured at the end of its life?
These are all good questions that I never had asked myself before. I will now be more conscious of this when purchasing food and products. 

Chapter 5, Green Shopping Online, compares online shopping to "land shopping." In today's society online shopping has become increasingly popular. Some people are so busy they can't seem to make it to stores during normal business hours, so they turn to online shopping or electronic commerce. I found this next point very interesting, there was a study done by the Center for Energy and Climate Solutions recently that determined we can save energy and protect land by shopping online. They also found that the transportation energy used to ship items to the warehouse to homes is actually less than the energy used to ship products to retailers and to get around in our cars. In the long run internet shopping may also reduce land development for retail stores and parking lots. Below are a few examples of sites that are internet based and do not have retail stores:

Chapter 6, Getting Involved, talks about different ways in which YOU can get involved to see positive changes in our environment. A lot of focus, according to the book, is put on the government. This book suggests that large corporations that are operating with disregard for public health should be more of a focus. Individuals should invest interest in making sure that big corporations are operating both legally and ethically. A growing trend for citizens has been to mass email government officials with emails that read very similar. This chapter suggests that you personalize your letter and put your own opinions into it. Prove that you have a mind of your own and are truly passionate about the issue! Some companies that are making an effort to help address a cleaner, greener, environment are American Lung Association, Clean Air Campaign, Green Scissors, Genetically Engineered Food Alert and Greenpeace USA.

Chapter 7, Resources to Help the Earth, is the final chapter in the book. The main focus of this chapter was to give the reader credible resources that could be used to find out more information about how to take the appropriate steps to "go green." With over 4 billion websites and pages it can be very difficult to find the information that we are looking for. Some sites recommened in this chapter are:
I hope that some of the information above will help you see ways in which you can live a greener life as well as places where you can find the information to do so. 


  1. I agree, I think governments and businesses should focus more on the health of the people surrounding them.
